Training Hours

It is extremely important to track training hours, as it is a great leading indicator that can drive a lot of the other KPIs. Training doesn’t solve every problem, but there is no substitute for a good training. It is important for any organization to be able to prove employees have been trained, up to date and all this information is logged. Formulating KPIs regarding training, ensures the safe keeping of all employees and the overall insurance for any organizations in case of an incident. 

Important Starting Points for Training KPIs:


The starting point of KPIs lies in metrics that aim to build important information for reporting, this can include measuring training participants, average training hours per trainee, total cost of training etc. 


The second starting point consists of supporting metrics for the training process. These metrics can be helpful in determining trends, or changes that have occurred during any training processes. Metrics such as training implementation time, performance rates/improvements/downfalls, training comprehension rate, support needed for training.  

“The ability to track and measure the effectiveness of staff training programs is a crucial objective.“

Once these steps have been taken, an organization can progress to formulating KPIs that are tailored to an organization’s key needs. 


3 key points to consider when figuring out KPIs that action training effectiveness:

  • KPI is Measurable and Quantifiable

    KPIs should be measured by percentages. For example, if the goal of your next training initiative is to decrease incidents for the following quarter by xyz% – that is a measurable and quantifiable KPI. 

  • KPI is Based Around Competency

    In order to achieve higher percentage of confidence trained staff members, all new hires must be trained, knowledgeable and competent on all products, equipment, hazardous worksites. Therefore, training materials are based around these areas of competency. 

  • KPI is Connected to Proficiency

    In principle, the KPIs laid out as yet ought to be effective. Many training processes miss the proficiency step while making KPIs. Live test scenarios, give an understanding of the dos and don’t, leads to the implementation of feedback into future training. This guarantees that all training initiatives are creating the ideal outcome. 


Employee training KPIs brings unmistakable advantages to any organization looking to help their employees and add value to their business. In order to identify the best KPIs for an organization’s training efforts, digitization of your processes are required, and tools to log all documentation of training for reporting, analysis and potential future use.  A great starting point of formulating successful training KPIs is the digitization of processes, Tekmon solutions can provide the applications and tools to progress forward with training KPIs.