Effective Communication

Today’s business leaders are discovering that fast, flexible notification can be a powerful enhancement to business continuity and emergency management.

Effective communication with tenants is a key process for property managers. Especially an organization’s ability to respond quickly to an event, which is a fundamental component of business continuity management. In unexpected interruptions and emergency situations, communicating vital information to hundreds or thousands of individuals, using a range of mobile devices can be challenging. A notification platform can help with exactly these kinds of situations. 

The 2 Key Reasons For An Effective Communication Platform: 

  1. Discreet and Reliable Notification

An effective communication platform allows for accuracy, clarity and reliability when it comes to discreetly alerting individuals/teams with vital incident information or interruptions. When a notification is sent, the recipient acknowledges receipt, and is able to respond. All responses are recorded in real time in the system, helping you gain situational awareness in case of operational interruptions or critical incidents.

  1. Two-Way Communication is Paramount

A core function of an effective communication platform is two-way communication, which makes mass notification systems the right choice for assessing evolving situations more efficiently. It automatically tracks individual message statuses and responses as they occur, helping you decide when to share more information or request additional feedback.

The Goal: 

Effective and discreet emergency communication is the goal for the introduction of a notification solution.  On average 500 staff per shopping centres need to be informed in case of an emergency. Usually, this is achieved through a public announcement broadcast. With an effective communication solution, a notification can be sent out to multiple devices via SMS, voice calls and emails in less than 2 minutes. All notifications have a staff acknowledging receipt, whereby the security team is instantly aware of who is notified and who is not, leading to informed follow up actions. A periodic drill ensures that everyone including new staff are up to date with the process.

With An Effective Communication Notification Platform you can:


#1 Reach Hundreds or Thousands of Recipients Simultaneously

Notify recipients by SMS, landline, mobile phone and email in multiple languages based on recipients’ preferences.

#2 Deliver Two-Way Personalized Notifications

Personalize notifications based on contact’s profile and receive responses by voice or written message in real-time.

#3 Maintain n Up To date Contact Repository

Create a centralized contact repository or schedule contact data updates from any HR database or other system.

#4 Create Your Response Plan Templates

Digitize your business continuity standard operating procedures or select from our industry leading template library.

Why Tekmon?

Tekmon’s core principles are simplicity, reliability and flexibility.

Tekmon’s software solutions are..

#1 It is simple to use for the non-proficient user. 

#2 It was built to reliably notify hundreds or thousands of recipients worldwide instantly.

#3 The platform’s flexibility means that it is built to meet bespoke requirements and be operational and ready to use within 24hrs.

#4 Tekmon’s representatives work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and offer a tailored solution that best suits your needs.